Solar Energy System Components You Need to Know About.

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The four main components of a solar energy system consist of the solar cells, inverter, batteries and storage unit (if preferred). Solar cells are the most visible part of your solar energy system, and this is probably why you are most familiar with them. They consist of photovoltaic or PV cells that use sunlight to convert to energy. Solar cells come in different shapes, sizes and speeds, depending on your needs and preferences. There are also modules or arrays of solar cells wired together in what is called a solar panel.

In addition to solar cells, there are also the various components that make up a solar energy system, including the battery, the batteries themselves and the inverter. The battery stores power that is not immediately required, such as during days when there is little or no sun, and it then uses this stored power for evening hours. Learn more about Solar Energy Systems from The battery is connected to the inverter, which allows you to sell electricity to the utilities. The inverter converts the direct current produced by the batteries into alternating current, or AC.

The final component of a solar energy system is the solar electricity storage system. This part of the system sends electricity back to the power grid. In essence, it allows you to "bank" solar electricity that you don't need immediately, and so that it can be used during times when the sun isn't out, or it is cloudy. The connection between your batteries and inverter needs to be very accurate, since if it isn't, there will be a delay in receiving your electricity. This can mean the difference between not having any solar electricity at all, and being off the grid.

As mentioned above, there are many components to a solar energy system. Now that you have an idea of how they work, it is time to learn more about the specifics. In particular, you need to learn about the components that make up the panels. There are four main categories:

Panels can include charge controllers, which are used within the panels to regulate the amount of electric current that goes through them. Visit to get more info about Solar Energy Systems. There are several different charge controllers that can be included within the panel, depending upon where it is located and what you want it to do. It is important to ensure that the correct charge controller is chosen, otherwise there may be a delay in receiving your electric current.

Finally, you need to know about battery banks. These are simply storage areas for your solar energy system's batteries. You must ensure that these batteries are kept charged and ready to use at all times. The number of batteries that make up the entire solar energy system is usually dependent upon the size of the system. However, it is recommended that you purchase a minimum of three. If you are not using the entire system at all times, then you should purchase enough batteries so that you can supply power to your home at least until you have the entire system installed. Learn more from